URL Season 1 Concludes
The long awaited URL playoffs started with the spectacular playin with fan-favorite Kushal taking on Kevin and Street Clothes taking on Elliot. Street clothes advanced in controversial fashion, but Elliot also managed to advance to conclude play-ins. Critics are saying Kushal might be the greatest what could have been if he had made the playoffs. The playoffs were hard fought but unsurprisingly Smid and Streetclothes made early exits as the rest continued on. Next fell the fan favorite and greatest karter of all time in Anvith in a shocking overtime loss to the eventual champion who defeated Simon, Ryan, and Hrithik in dominant fashion to claim his crown. With the next season approaching, its hard to see someone apart from timo, kushal, or anvith winning this next season but as a viewer we can only be excited to see what happens. The power rankings for next season have been voted on by a panel of experts and can be seen below:
1. Timo
2. Anvith
3. Kushal
4. Hrithik
5. Ryan
6. Simon
7. Elliot
8. Smit
9. Kevin
10. Rahul
Unranked: Kaushik, Sathvik, Ashwin, Parth, etc.
With these rankings decided by the critics, we know that some karters will use this as motivation for their training arc in the offseason. Critic Sudha Ranganath said this about Anvith’s performance this season: “Watching him kart was one of the greatest things I have seen in my life. It was as if he combined skills of Lewis Hamilton, Lebron James, Max Verstappen, Tiger Woods, and Michael Phelps and played as one person. I am grateful to have been able to see this masterclass of a season and cannot wait to watch him in season 2 as his number one fan!”. The fan support and hype around both Anvith and Kushal is at an all time high and lets see if they can ride this momentum into the next season.